Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Moving into the final stages of the Task Force process

After collecting data and qualitative information from teens themselves, local organizations and best practices from throughout the area, state and country, the NEFL Teen Pregnancy Task Force is finally moving towards the development of a final plan.

Task Force members will have the opportunity to participate in one of five subgroups, each focused on themes identified throughout the task force process:
1.       Repeat teen pregnancies
2.       Adolescent health services
3.       Community-based teen pregnancy prevention
4.       Engaging parents
5.       Public policy

Each subgroup will be tasked with developing implementation strategies and refining the potential partners who will conduct the implementation. This group work activity will extend to the August meeting. In September, each group will present their findings and adopt final implementation strategies based on the feedback of the entire Task Force. A final plan will be presented and voted on in October. In addition, the October meeting will include discussion on the next steps of implementing the strategies.

Please check out the themes listed to the right and feel free to add changes and suggestions that we can incorporate into our final plan through the comment section on this post. We look forward to your feedback!